While studying to my next presentation - African nationalism / the building of new nations, I came across a book "Poets to the People" -South African Freedom Poems. From this book I took this simple poem by Barry Feinberg
While whites on sabbath greens slowly bowling, on weekdays growing gold, back home black men break backs, surprisingly singing.
Ainda me lembro do "Free Nelson Mandela" e do nojo ( racista? ) que sentia aos Aafrikandeer. É bom saber que havia poesia a florescer debaixo das botas cardadas que pontapeavam o Soweto. Abraço e cuida-te.
Ainda me lembro do "Free Nelson Mandela" e do nojo ( racista? ) que sentia aos Aafrikandeer. É bom saber que havia poesia a florescer debaixo das botas cardadas que pontapeavam o Soweto. Abraço e cuida-te.
Um poema de nome Mandela escrito por Ilva Mackay (esteve presa por dois periodos, depois de 1976:Revolta do Soweto)
You are just number 466/64 to them,
sweeping dusty paths,
tilling and raking the soil of that island.
But you are the strength,
the determination
that flows through the veins of your children fighting for you,
you and all those numbers.
Yes, with your spade firmly in your hand
till and rake the soil Mandela
like your brothers, sisters, sons and daughters
who toil and sweat for Africa.
She is ours
we too shall know no rest
till she comes back to us.
Merci e abraco sem cedilha!
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