
M is away for one week,
in a special task
a difficult one -
she is without net,
no contact with the base here;
but I promised her
to send good vibrations every day;
I told her more,
I will write everyday a poem thinking on her.

Gosh!, I can't write poems in english
or in your language,
portuguese is what I breathe
my nerves expression is portuguese
my blood, my tears are portuguese
salt from the blue ocean,
strong colours from the hot landscapes in south!

But I can sing and dance in other languages,
and I'm singing
and dancing for you, now!
I'm sending energy towards you
my good friend,
I even bought Freesias to remind me of your smell!

So see you the next poem,
my beautiful friend!

first day


paulo said...

Love is in the air...

banalidadesdebase said...

Love is my engine!
Not being in love is boredom; the object of our love can be many things;
loving is movement,
yin and yang,
wind and silence...
is to love ourselves and after the others, is M and is A...and by the end of the day life!