
It's time for me to go soon

we will cross the channel at the same time

and we know our eyes will be closer soon;

life's a profusion of close ups

a geography of psyches

in a perpetual mix.

"into the fire of life"
fifth day


Still thinking on you,
bad night sleeping,
and because i can only think in a mixture of half-languages
I offer you a poem and a smile!

"I could talk all day about deconstruction
but it wouldn't change that whisper of yours
the invisible language of a discourse in solitude
diatribe in tongues ripping from our mouths
like the couple next door the ones who study barefoot
then argue about the nature of cold
you remember we used to hear them
shouting about the aesthetics of pain
through the brick wall Could we be that way?
I wasn't prepared to answer
Then you told me what love was like :
infinite with the noise of a jackhammer"

fourth day

illustration:Shonagh Rae


Sea connects me
to others not physically present;
I left the campus very early this morning,
beautiful morning!
feeling good with my orange echarpe
negotiating the tortuosity of the road
to the sea;
i took
songs from Kevin Ayers
and I threw some of the songs to you!

"She's got a feeling for the spring
I've got another song to sing

Girl on a swing
Girl on a swing
Girl on a swing,
0n a swing
Such a pretty thing

She's not a victim of despair
She's just a feeling in the air

Girl on a swing
Girl on a swing
Girl on a swing,
0n a swing
Such a pretty thing

She sways, silently she sings
Her song gives my body wings

Girl on a swing
Girl on a swing
Girl on a swing,
0n a swing
Such a pretty thing"

third day

Girl On A Swing, Kevin Ayers


Cold spring,
wind in desperation,
inside I'm warm
and I'm in confort,
people around in early morning rhythm.

Your day soon will start -
involved in gloomy weather
grey people arising,
invading the space you have to conquer
the combat soon will start
it will hurt
it will drive you close to madness.

Just stop time to time
inhale deeply
and keep moving,
never take things personaly,
you have the strenght of your reason.
Your reason is the reason of many more!

second day


M is away for one week,
in a special task
a difficult one -
she is without net,
no contact with the base here;
but I promised her
to send good vibrations every day;
I told her more,
I will write everyday a poem thinking on her.

Gosh!, I can't write poems in english
or in your language,
portuguese is what I breathe
my nerves expression is portuguese
my blood, my tears are portuguese
salt from the blue ocean,
strong colours from the hot landscapes in south!

But I can sing and dance in other languages,
and I'm singing
and dancing for you, now!
I'm sending energy towards you
my good friend,
I even bought Freesias to remind me of your smell!

So see you the next poem,
my beautiful friend!

first day


While studying to my next presentation - African nationalism / the building of new nations, I came across a book "Poets to the People" -South African Freedom Poems.
From this book I took this simple poem by Barry Feinberg

While whites
on sabbath greens
slowly bowling,
on weekdays
growing gold,
back home
black men
break backs,

Me my disease my cooking and my time...

"Confidence is the feeling you get before you understand the situation."
Howard Hoffman ... On Life


I felt sick, and the doctors discovered a life-threatening disease...

...i had to take a decision; and i've started to cook macrobiotic...

...but i really hate to clean the mess after!...
... what really helped me a lot was


Spring is here!

in spring the chickens are all around; we don't mind so, if we have our own space!

Sandrine Martin


Thanks to be around, thanks to offer some magic and some questions with no answers!

I don't believe in an interventionist God
But I know, darling, that you do
But if I did I would kneel down and ask Him
Not to intervene when it came to you
Not to touch a hair on your head
To leave you as you are
And if He felt He had to direct you
Then direct you into my arms

Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms

And I don't believe in the existence of angels
But looking at you I wonder if that's true
But if I did I would summon them together
And ask them to watch over you
To each burn a candle for you
To make bright and clear your path
And to walk, like Christ, in grace and love
And guide you into my arms

Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms

And I believe in Love
And I know that you do too
And I believe in some kind of path
That we can walk down, me and you
So keep your candles burning
And make a journey bright and pure
That's will keep returning
Always and evermore

Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms

to albina

Into my arms
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds


Automática dança,
belisca-me uma incontornável felicidade,
ver-te assim;

[por tantos estes dias passados
que não te obriguei ao sorriso,
por estares genuinamente triste
e vazia;]

encarares-me agora
os teus olhos
em antiga chama,
que deliciosa imagem!

Mostras-me nova musica,
a musica dos teus sentidos e outra
envolves-me em Sigur Ros
envolves-me no teu abraço forte,
suficiente para te gostar ainda mais,
desejar, pequenina que me mostres mais,
da tua cultura urbana.



invadem o teu reino
por dentro e por fora,
johnny Cash tomando as suas drogas
e a menina bonita procurando
abordar algum possivel puro amor;
não existe pureza
debaixo deste horizonte
apenas abuso e inveja;
cantamos então a Malaika,
a tentar exorcisar os nossos egoísmos,
Juanita para emprestar um certo romantismo revolucionário.
Thefuturesoundoflondon is back!,
a pureza alastra-se impura,
por estradas sinuosas expandidas;
caminhamos a praia pela noite fora
Albina passou na minha vida noutros tempos -
reajo físicamente -
não nos largamos os olhos,
outra vida, outro lugar,
somos os dois, os dois
que vida?
estrelas, explosão na plataforma,
Albina atracção, tão violenta...
maré cheia
o mar molhando-nos ainda inverno.
Green day
M largou-nos,
muito forte, pureza suja noutro lugar,
sorry but I can see you smiling again!,
de raiva?!...
Albina entra no meu sangue,
vivemos juntos noutra vida,
não nos largamos as mãos!
Guano Apes espalhados pela areia,
M. deixa um rasto de sangue,
maré larga,
vento crescendo intenso
mira-me os olhos! vermelhos
vivemos a mesma vida antes,
onde, onde, oooonnnndeeee?!
canta-me uma melodia e eu danço para ti!
atiramos as pedras,
desistência, confiança,
fluimos, som da tua voz
já ouvi a tua voz antes...
onde estão os outros,
onde está M?
deep waters,
desejo, o mar nas tuas pernas
as pedras,
jazemos de borco, em vómito,
qual foi a nossa vida antes?
albina, somos 4 metades misturadas?
restamos fora de controle!
eles aparecem donde?...
continuamos cegos fora de controle,
sentimos a vibração das suas danças
na areia molhada,
pureza suja,
cheiro M
rio, rio alto!
em coro
albina levanta-se
agarrada a M, dançam?!
os meus olhos vermelhos
as pedras pressionando-me o corpo,
em fundo o som de pares em roda!
roda roda roda
levanto-me e atiro-me ao chão
M grita!
albina sangra os dedos cortando as cordas,
a roda roda mais rápido, rápido, rápido
tudo se mistura, o vento forte
o corpo evolve...
As ultimas horas
ultimaram o registo
amoral das nossas vidas
decididos a partilhar os nossos desejos
a nossa vida;
M regressa a nós
albina junta as metades com as minhas metades,
somos juntos e ignoramos os outros,
dancem! Rodem!
nós dançamos o nosso ritmo!
"Open Weekend"



We live free
Air is free, clouds are free
Valleys and hills are free
Rain and mud are free
The outside of cars
The entrances of cinemas
And the shop windows are free
Bread and cheese cost money
But stale water is free
Freedom can cost your head
But prison is free
We live free

Orhan Veli Kanik

Thanks A, I can't stop reading them!


John Locke / Rene Descartes

Ludwig Wittgestein / Jacques Derrida

"They insisted we were less than we are for fear we might think we were more than we are" Anonymous
Collages of Guillem Ramos-Poquí - Portraits of Philosophers and Thinkers, 1999


Today I will tell about my readings.
I try to read as much as I can. Nowadays I'm practical. No romances anymore, no novels...I read and prepare presentations, afterwards. I read and comment the tasks my students send to me daily.
At the moment I'm reading "The state of Africa", the new book of a fantastic historian who writes on Africa and its recent history: Martin Meredith; other book I'm reading at the moment is "The discursive mind", easy to understand from Rom Harre and Grant Gillet; i'm reading a poem a day of Herberto Helder and I'm discovering Turkish poetry on the net (http://www.geocities.com/metincelal/engindex.htm) besides that I'm trying to catch my readings of Prospect, Newsweek and Fortune.

I have to do all this and teach, and do various other things,such talking to my students; i'm finding easier since I have started to sing a happy song every morning (prescription from an alternative practitionary), before breakfast; what a fantastic thing to do!

"hoje tambem li os teus olhos"


Today I tell about my music these last days.
(Music and dancing are two of my dearest things),
I'm earing: Jazz Impressionists, Oliver Mtukudzi, Zawose & Brook, John Cale (old things), Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds (everything!)
Very traditional choice, and this is the lyric we both like to sing: shall we sing it again?!...
Straight to You
All the towers of ivory are crumbling
And the swallows have sharpened their beaks
This is the time of our great undoing
This is the time that I'll come running
Straight to you
For I am captured
Straight to you
For I am captured
One more time

The light in our window is fading
The candle gutters on the ledge
Well now sorrow, it comes a-stealing
And I'll cry, girl, but I'll come a-running
Straight to you
For I am captured
Straight to you
For I am captured
Once again

Gone are the days of rainbows
Gone are the nights of swinging from the stars
For the sea will swallow up the mountains
And the sky will throw thunder-bolts and sparks
Straight at you
But I'll come a-running
Straight to you
But I'll come a-running
One more time

Heaven has denied us its kingdom
The saints are drunk howling at the moon
The chariots of angels are colliding
Well, I'll run, babe, but I'll come running
Straight to you
For I am captured
Straight to you
For I am captured
One more time

To M


Nascerei pelas 23 horas
46 anos ago em Tomar
Fora de hospital e tendo uma freira por parteira!
merci bien mother ( and father for the juicy help!).
Alguns factos
perdi a virgindade em dia de aniversário - ela muito mais velha, má pintora, mas mulher que me ensinou muito da arte do amor
passeei pelo telhado do Palácio de Monserrate em dia de aniversário com a minha companheira de altura, uma relação que levou aos limites a dialéctica do prazer e a magia dos acasos.
Sendo Piscis não posso fugir aos sentidos - nem tento!
Possuo um discurso radical em relação à vida e ao amor - chamemos-me um extremista
cigano na vida e no amor
insatisfeito sempre!
Digo sempre: "Uma mulher é bela porque me agrada"
Politicamente identifico-me e pratico esta Triade unitária, desde que um "guru" em 1977, me apresentou esta filosofia de vida...
Realização Comunicação Participação
A a paixão de criar é a base do projecto de realização
B a paixão do amor é a base do projecto de comunicação
C a paixão do jogo é a base do projecto de participação
Criar - Realizar
Amar - Comunicar
Jogar - Participar
Sou um priveligiado porque todos os dias vivo e ensino isto, passo esta radicalidade a dezenas de pessoas que me consideram um pouco estranho mas bom comunicador!
Semear a semente, parafraseando: "Ninguém cresce livremente sem espalhar a liberdade no mundo"
Não possuo nada no mundo além do meu laptop e um ou dois livros - Tantra continua a ser uma fonte, tecnicamente falando, para a libertação dos sentidos - mas tenho as pessoas que me são queridas e os alunos de tantos cantos do mundo que partilham comigo a felicidade de estar vivo, bem vivo.
Parabéns antonio, e obrigado aos meus pais,a todos os meus amigos e amantes!


Porque gosto tanto de te ouvir
e de estar em som
como de janelas abertas
este mar;
porque restas mesmo quando está tudo por fazer
embalado no enrolado discurso
que se estende e se espraia e se detona
na tua frente!?...
Este será aquele ponto em que o azul
se vestirá das minhas cores
ou talvez não;
partida e chegada
em alvoradas
no carrocel árduo
como as tuas coxas.
Falo então automaticamente,
encantado hipnotizado pelas tuas mãos tremendamente incestuosas,
e assim fugido da responsibidade
corro na transversal
a avenida longa com as luzes que não funcionam;
prometi-te que usaria apenas mil palavras
para te expressar o meu amor
e bastam menos
porque amar-te é economia de palavras
expansão infinita de impulsos aleatórios.

espero e o meu coração bate violentamente
"Tudo é mulher naquilo que se ama, diz La Mettrie, o domínio do amor só reconhece como limites os do prazer"

8 de março


Não te disse adeus
e a manhã nasceu triste,
recusei a comida oferecida,
fustigado ainda pela inclemência do meu acto.

never mind,
o tempo sara as feridas
e nós necessariamente
nos diremos adeus

um outro dia
um outro sorriso
um outro olhar
mais transparente e mais directo.

"cinzento dia"


Sabemos que equilíbrios
são sorrisos
que se desvanecem
e se intensificam

o teu sorriso
um desiquilibrio desconcertante
que me desvanece

trago-te em precipício
depois de te ter levado
na missão possivel

e agora penso o teu sorriso
e não sorrio,
deixando-me arrastar em horas perdidas
para evitar dizer-te adeus pela manhã



I would like to comment
i would like to tell that i have a sun
some days inside
i would like to mark march the 3rd an extraordinary day
you would like to know why
and i am pleased to tell you the sun is inside of me tonight
a connection/transmition
so unusual and unique that i refuse to die in solitude
et je te disais:
Rendez-vous au ciel
lune de miel
Rendez-vous au ciel
la terre m'ennuie
les anges m'appellent
le monde est trop petit

S'endormir au ciel
Luna motel
S'endormir au ciel
les hommes m'agacent
j'ai besoin d'espace
mon lit est trop petit

Diner au ciel
mille chandelles
pour dinner au ciel
le monde me chasse
je prends ma place
entre Jesus et Karl Marx

Boire au ciel Ivre immortelle
whisky bar au ciel
boir a tout prix
mais Dieu merci
les bars ne ferment pas au paradis

Baiser au ciel
divin bordel
pour baiser au ciel
tu viens cheri
mille et une nuits
pour t'emmener au paradis

Voie lactee
divin bordel
sur la voie lactee
un ange rebelle
m'a ouvert ses ailes
et la nuit sera eternelle

i want to say that today i have a sun inside of me
and i will share it with everyone!

(french poem:"Luna Motel" regina guimaraes)

"Porquoi non?"


Separation, stoping an old relation, de per si, almost
a necessary step done not so long ago,
reminds me this beautiful poem...

The soft brush of your lashes with mine transport us to the past
eyelash with eyelash
A time when time was plentiful
Echoes - voices of play
Playing to put skin on skin
eyebrow with eyebrow
cheek to cheek
I barely knew how to pronounce each syllable
the map of your face was being established
as we repeated the name of each of its elements
Nose to nose
Eye to Eye
I open my eyes and the
lines on your face reveal the years of separation
Ear to Ear
I wish for a moment to erase my present and
return to that time without distinction
chin to chin
But the realization of our different destinies dawns
as we place
forehead with forehead
"skin to skin" Patricia Villalobos Echeverria
